Throwing Stones for Vartiosaari
Prinzip Motor
kinetische Installation ca. 6 x 5 x 4 Meter, etwa 40 „Würmchen“
Floats 1 travelling the trapezoid
Elija`s Ball
Documented sculpture made of steel and grass I did in summer 2010.
Video documentation of a sculpture I did in august 2010. It is a chaos construction made of oak wood, resembling the three leaks of the torn oil platform Deep Water Horizon. The sculpture is placed in a town canal in Osterholz-Scharmbeck/ Germany. The altitude above water is three meters, the diameter about eight meters. The wooden squares were cut out of an oak tree lengthwise and in the direction of it`s growth.
Whatever Works
chaos – construction made of goldenrod. Named after the us military code name for the first nuclear explosion ever performed.
video documentation of a work In Situ